Zirriborroa Stop DS3

Deskribapen laburra:

"Blocks out dust, drafts and insects from beneath your door Keeps cold air out and heated air in For use on doors or windows,Works on carpet or hardwood floors" Company Core Philosophy The product has the specialty mold manufacture, has the uniqueness According to the different needs of customers, we can better meet their requirements.Quality assurance and timely delivery. Payment & Delivery Payment Terms: 30% for deposit, 70% before shipment.(TT,Paypal L/C ) Package Details:According to...

Produktuen xehetasuna

Produktuen Tags

"Blocks out dust, drafts and insects from beneath your door
aire hotza out eta aire berotzen mantentzen
For use on doors or windows,Works on carpet or hardwood floors"

Enpresaren Core Filosofia

Produktua espezialitatea moldea fabrikatzeko ditu, berezitasuna dauka

ezberdinak bezeroen beharrak arabera, hobeto bete ahal izango dugu beraien requirements.Quality bermatzeko eta puntuala entrega.

Ordainketa erak

Ordainketa baldintzak: 30% gordailua,% 70 bidalketa aurretik (TT, Paypal L / C).

Package Details:According to customers' needs .

  • Aurreko:
  • Hurrengoa:

  • Produktu erlazionatuak