Air teas agus Deflector HD7
Adjust from 10" to 14". Heavy duty, magnetic hold, and unbreakable plastic. During the winter, the curved air deflector directs warm air down for improved heating. In the summer point the vents up to direct the air conditioning towards the ceiling for improved cooling.
Companaidh Prìomh Feallsanachd
Tha bathar a tha an sònrachaidh mould dèanamh, tha an sònraichte
A rèir feumalachdan eadar-dhealaichte de luchd-cleachdaidh, faodaidh sinn a 'coinneachadh na b' fheàrr aca requirements.Quality gealltanas agus a lìbhrigeadh ann an deagh àm.
Pàigheadh & Lìbhrigeadh
Riaghailtean Pàigheadh: 30% airson tasgadh, 70% mus giùlain. (TT, PayPal L / C)
Package Details:According to customers' needs .