Snap Lock 60 "Brown-SLB60

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

Snap Lock Molding Strip, 60" BROWN  MOLDING STRIP An adhesive backed rigid plastic molding strip with a snap-in/snap-out insert. Installs easily on windows and doors when pressed into place. For exterior application use of brad nails are recommended. Can be used with flexible window material or acrylic glazing (plexiglass). Paintable. 60" length. Company Core Philosophy The product has the specialty mold manufacture, has the uniqueness According to the different needs of customers, we can bet...

  • Bathar Size: 1-3 / 4 "x36" Long, White
  • bathar Detail

    bathar Tags

    Snap Lock Molding Strip, 60" BROWN  MOLDING STRIP

    An adhesive backed rigid plastic molding strip with a snap-in/snap-out insert. Installs easily on windows and doors when pressed into place. For exterior application use of brad nails are recommended. Can be used with flexible window material or acrylic glazing (plexiglass). Paintable. 60" length.

    Companaidh Prìomh Feallsanachd

    Tha bathar a tha an sònrachaidh mould dèanamh, tha an sònraichte

    A rèir feumalachdan eadar-dhealaichte de luchd-cleachdaidh, faodaidh sinn a 'coinneachadh na b' fheàrr aca requirements.Quality gealltanas agus a lìbhrigeadh ann an deagh àm.

    Pàigheadh ​​& Lìbhrigeadh

    Riaghailtean Pàigheadh: 30% airson tasgadh, 70% mus giùlain. (TT, PayPal L / C)

    Package Details:According to customers' needs .

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