Vinyl Pasang U36BR

Short Description:

Stick to windows, insert plastic film to prevent hot and cold air from running out, and prevent insects from entering and leaving the room in summer. Company Core Philosophy The product has the specialty mold manufacture, has the uniqueness According to the different needs of customers, we can better meet their requirements.Quality assurance and timely delivery. Payment & Delivery Payment Terms: 30% for deposit, 70% before shipment.(TT,Paypal L/C ) Package Details:According to customers'...

  • Size Product: dawa: 36 "
  • Detail produk

    Tags Product

    Stick kanggo windows, masang film plastik kanggo nyegah udhara panas lan kadhemen saka mlaku metu, lan nyegah serangga saka ngetik lan ninggalake kamar ing panas.

    Company inti Philosophy

    Prodhuk wis Pabrik jamur beluk, wis uniqueness

    Miturut kabutuhan beda pelanggan, kita bisa luwih apik ketemu tanggungan requirements.Quality lan pas wektune layang.

    Pembayaran & Delivery

    Sarat Pembayaran: 30% kanggo simpenan, 70% sadurunge pangiriman (TT, Paypal L / C).

    Package Details:According to customers' needs .

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