Slip Fuq Faucet protettiv FC3

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

Slip On Winter Outdoor Faucet Cover Protector Protects faucets from freezing Easily slips on and is secured with a handy drawstring Company Core Philosophy The product has the specialty mold manufacture, has the uniqueness According to the different needs of customers, we can better meet their requirements.Quality assurance and timely delivery. Payment & Delivery Payment Terms: 30% for deposit, 70% before shipment.(TT,Paypal L/C ) Package Details:According to customers' needs .

  • Daqs tal-Prodott: 2-1 / 4 fil.
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    prodott Tags

    Slip Fuq Winter Outdoor Faucet Qoxra protettiv Tħares viti mill-iffriżar

    Faċilment slips fuq u hija assigurata bil-qafla handy

    Kumpanija Core Filosofija

    Il-prodott għandu l-manifattura moffa speċjalità, għandu l-uniċità

    Skond il-bżonnijiet differenti ta 'klijenti, nistgħu jissodisfaw aħjar assigurazzjoni requirements.Quality tagħhom u twassil f'waqtu.

    Ħlas & Kunsinna

    Ħlas Termini: 30% għall depożitu, 70% qabel it-tgħabija (TT, Paypal L / C).

    Package Details:According to customers' needs .

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