Mwalandiridwa Ningbo Jutai Pulasitiki Industrial Co., Ltd.

Ningbo Jutai Pulasitiki Industrial Co., Ltd. ndi mabuku wopanga & malonda akuchita mu zomangila chokongoletsera Chalk, kutchinjiriza ndi sanitaryware. Mankhwala chathu chachikulu ali mu mzere wa mpweya deflector, vinilu mikwamba, pawiri kusodza amasiya, panja faucet chivundikirocho.

We enjoy the rights of self-managing of export. Our R&D staff are highly trained and experienced. We always apply ourselves to high developing quality products with creative designs for various purposed. We continuously develop new items to meet the market's demand.

Zonsezi kukumana okhwima QC chiphasochi pa kugwirizana yotsirizidwa. Mokhwima zofunika khalidwe zimagwiridwa pa zipangizo ndi zigawo zikuluzikulu.
Ifenso akhale oimira kwa mfundo ndi katundu ntchito, kupereka akatswiri pa zochitika padziko lonse malonda makampani amene angakonde Tumizani mankhwala awo khalidwe. Iwo undertakes processing zipangizo kunja kapena zitsanzo, kusonkhana ndi mbali zofunikira ndi malonda chipukuta misozi. Nthawiyi, akufotokozera ntchito m'njira ya ankapitabe olowa kapena kupanga mgwirizano, kumafuna mogwirizana zachuma & malonda, ndi Chosaka Misika kwa uphungu m'banja komanso.

We attach great importance to high reputation. And customer's satisfaction is our everlasting pursuit. If you have any question or suggestion about our products, please feel free to contact us at any time,We really hope to be your reliable partner. We appreciate any order we get and will do our best to comply with your request. OEM Service is welcome.

Post nthawi: Jul-23-2019