Vinyl Vstavi U36BR

Vinyl Vstavite U36BR Izbrani slike

Kratek opis:

Stick to windows, insert plastic film to prevent hot and cold air from running out, and prevent insects from entering and leaving the room in summer. Company Core Philosophy The product has the specialty mold manufacture, has the uniqueness According to the different needs of customers, we can better meet their requirements.Quality assurance and timely delivery. Payment & Delivery Payment Terms: 30% for deposit, 70% before shipment.(TT,Paypal L/C ) Package Details:According to customers'...

  • Velikost izdelka: dolžina: 36 "
  • Podrobnosti izdelka

    Značke izdelka

    Stick za okna, vstavite plastično folijo, da se prepreči vročega in hladnega zraka zmanjkuje in preprečujejo insektom vstop in izstop iz prostora v poletnih mesecih.

    Podjetje Core Filozofija

    Produkt ima izdelavo posebnost plesni, ima edinstvenost

    Glede na različne potrebe strank, bomo lahko bolje izpolnjujejo svojo requirements.Quality zagotovilo in pravočasne izvedbe.

    Plačilo in dostava

    Plačilni pogoji: 30% za depozit, 70% pred odpremo (TT, Paypal L / C).

    Package Details:According to customers' needs .

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