Wilujeng sumping di Ningbo Jutai Plastik Industrial Co., Ltd.

Ningbo Jutai Plastik Industrial Co., Ltd. mangrupakeun produsén & padagang komprehensif kaayaan di gedong bahan asesoris hiasan, insulasi, sarta sanitaryware. Produk utama urang téh dina garis deflector hawa, vinyl sheeting, ganda draf eureun, panutup keran outdoor.

We enjoy the rights of self-managing of export. Our R&D staff are highly trained and experienced. We always apply ourselves to high developing quality products with creative designs for various purposed. We continuously develop new items to meet the market's demand.

Sadaya produk ngalaman Citatah rigorous QC di link rengse. Syarat kualitas ketat nu dilumangsungkeun dina bahan sareng komponenana.
Urang ogé meta salaku agén kana impor sarta ékspor bisnis, nyadiakeun jasa profésional dina urusan dagang internasional pikeun pausahaan nu hoyong ngekspor produk kualitas maranéhanana. Ieu undertakes ngolah jeung materi diimpor atawa sampel, assembling kalawan bagéan disadiakeun, sarta perdagangan santunan. Angger eta tumuwuh jasa dina wangun joint venture atawa produksi koperasi, ngalibatkeun di rundingan ékonomi & perdagangan, tur sourcing keur komoditi domestik ogé.

We attach great importance to high reputation. And customer's satisfaction is our everlasting pursuit. If you have any question or suggestion about our products, please feel free to contact us at any time,We really hope to be your reliable partner. We appreciate any order we get and will do our best to comply with your request. OEM Service is welcome.

Pos waktos: Jul-23-2019